Predictable bone augmentation in the aesthetic zone. The bone lamina technique from easy indications to complicated cases

Current concepts in implant dentistry yield not only in achieving a functional result but also an esthetical pleasing outcome. And creating an adequate stable bone volume and architecture is one of the key-factors for success with implants in the aesthetic zone. The seminar and hands-on course aims to sharing the clinical experience of the speakers on horizontal and vertical bone regeneration in the aesthetic area and presents
a concept which has proved to be successful in the daily practice.


The two-day course will be focused on every aspect of the daily practice bone regeneration: planning, flap incision, implant insertion, bone bed preparation, membrane fixation, graft material insertion, soft-tissue management. Different clinical scenarios will be presented and their specific therapeutic approaches discussed. Attention will also be given to detailed prosthetic workflows especially designed for bone preservation and to increase the aesthetic outcome. Clinical pictures and videos will be used to depict every step of the procedures. Additionally, theoretic information will be followed by hands-on sessions based
on models representing cases explained by the authors during the course.


Hands-on with special models and pigs madibles.

Be trained in bone augmentation techniques (focus on GBR with a biologicmembrane “the bone lamina technique”)


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Zapisz się na kurs
Predictable bone augmentation in the aesthetic zone. The bone lamina technique from easy indications to complicated cases

Koszt uczstnictwa w kursie:

5990 zł / os.


